Adrenaline Studio – Policies, Procedures, & Rules

What to bring to class?

  • clean shoes

  • Wear comfortable clothes - a tee shirt and leggings.

  • 1- Pre-filled water bottles. Dancers will not be permitted to use water fountains.

Please leave all other items at home as we will not have space for dancer's belongings. 

Our Instructors, Coaches, Staff & Safety:

At Adrenaline Studio we are committed to providing a safe and fun environment where each student-athlete is encouraged to progress at his/her own pace. To fulfill this commitment, we have taken necessary measures to ensure that we provide qualified and well-trained instructors, coaches, and staff.

All of our Instructors, Coaches, and Staff go through full background checks. We use a background check service, as well as our instructors who teach our school programs are vetted through Fairfax County Public Schools background checks and have an FCPS badge. All all-star coaches are also vetted through the USASF Green Light Program and have Green Light Status to be a coach a Adrenaline.  The United States All-Star Federation has taken important steps to ensure the highest level of safety within its member all-star organizations. One of these steps is the implementation of a standardized approach to background screening for anyone age 18 or older who accompanies a team into a warm-up room at all USASF-sanctioned events.  The United States All-Star Federation partners with the National Center for Safety Initiatives, through which they engage in a comprehensive Background Screening of our members.  This includes a comprehensive background screening program using NCSI’s Full Service product and a simple "Red Light/Green Light clearance report issued following the criteria chosen by The United States All-Star Federation. 

We provide continuing education opportunities in athletic skills, life skills, and coach training to all of our instructors and coaches to help ensure Adrenaline Studio stays up to date with all of the newest skills, techniques, and training.  This allows us to provide high-quality instruction to all students.  All of our coaches work to be certified in their area of expertise through the USASF coaches certification program.  

While these standards will help ensure a safe environment at our facility, we must also ask parents and students to abide by our Rules and Policies:

Parent Portal

Every family must create an online Parent Portal. We communicate with parents primarily via the Parent Portal. Parent Portal allows for seamless communication with the office and instructors, a convenient place to receive all information, options to enroll and pay for classes online, receive monthly newsletters, and easy registration for events. Please check your Parent Portal at least once a week for updates! You can create your Parent Portal by clicking the “Parent Portal” button in the top right-hand corner of our website homepage.

To Set Up Your Parent Portal:

1. Click on the “Register Here” button right corner of our home page.
2. The Parent Portal Home Page will open.
3. Click the “First Time Here” link under the sign-in button to set up your password and log onto the Parent Portal.

Parking and Safety

Students who are getting picked up by their parents must wait inside the studio for their ride. Students six and under will wait with a staff member for their parents to arrive. Parents need to come inside to pick up children under 12 years old. Parents don't need to stay while their child is in class. However, if you would like to stay, we have a seating area with free Wi-Fi for you to relax while your child is in class.

Students must wait in the lobby for their class instructor before entering the dance room. No students are allowed on any of the equipment without instructor supervision.

ONE MAKE UP PER MONTH. Please email before the absence.  Please include your reason for absence and select up to three possible make-up class times the the age/level appropriate class. We will check if to see if that class is capable to accommodate the make-up session and schedule it for you, you will receive a confirmation email for your makeup class.

Studio Closings

Adrenaline Studio will close for Labor Day Weekend, Halloween, Thanksgiving Weekend, Winter Break, Spring Break, & Memorial Day Weekend, and Fourth of July. Inclement weather determinations will be made by 2:00 PM and will be posted to our website, studio voicemail, Facebook & Twitter.  We do not prorate monthly tuition rates due to holidays or inclement weather days. Tuition is based on a four-week month with no additional charges incurred for months that include five classes or the few times a year when classes meet only three times in a month due to holiday breaks.

Snow Days 

We will consider the Fairfax County, Herndon Community Center, and Loudoun County Public School cancellation policies.  If school is canceled, our day classes may be canceled.  If the weather clears up during the day and the roads are safe, we will have classes/rehearsals that evening.  Weather cancellation calls will be posted by 2:30 pm on our website, Facebook, and Twitter Pages.  Snow Day Make-Ups: The first two snow days will not be made up. If there are 3 or more missed days for a class, classes will be added at the end of the spring to make up for missed snow days. Dancers may attend a make-up class in a similar class for the snow day.

Food & Drinks

Food and drinks are only allowed in the lobby area, never in the studio classes area. NO gum is allowed in the studio at any time. We do encourage all students to bring a water bottle to class with their name marked on it. 

Personal Belongings

We provide cubbies for students to store their belongings during class.  We have a Lost & Found located in the lobby.  Students are discouraged from bringing valuable belongings to class.
Adrenaline Studio is not liable for any lost or stolen items.

Cell Phone Policy

We have a NO cell phone policy for student-athletes during class time. During class, cell phones must be left in the lobby or turned off.  Students will not be permitted to use their phones at any time during class, even during drink breaks, unless it is an emergency or we have notice of an extenuating circumstance ahead of time.


Is a MONTHLY fee based on the number of class hours enrolled in per week.  See fees on the class schedule.  It is not raised for 5-week months nor is it lowered for less than 4-week months—including holiday closings.   Tuition is considered late after the 1st of the month. There is a $15.00 late fee after the 5th of the month.  Tuition of more than one month in arrears may result in the dancer not being permitted to return to class until paid.  Accounts must be paid in full to participate in the recital.  REFUNDS WILL NOT BE GIVEN ONCE A MONTH HAS BEGUN AND TUITION IS NOT ALTERED FOR MISSED CLASSES. For the best instruction, possible, please keep absences to a minimum.  Adrenaline Studio, LLC reserves the right to refuse participation in the recital for excessive absences


Adrenaline Studio will have a Spring Showcase.  This is a great opportunity for students to show their progress and perform their routines for family and friends. 

Recital ticket prices will be available at the studio or online.  RECITAL COSTUME FEE: A costume fee of $99.00 for all students for each class they are registered in. (This does not apply to Acro or drop-in classes.).  No returns or exchanges.  Our staff will measure and order costumes. It is your responsibility to get any costume altered that does not fit properly. Adrenaline is not responsible for costumes that do not fit.  Class Change:  If you change a class or add a class after costumes have been ordered, there will be a $25 per costume late fee to cover additional shipping costs.  This includes new dancers registering after costumes have been ordered.  Only dancers who will be performing in the recital are permitted to perform in the dress rehearsal. 

Class Dress Code


Students and parents will conduct themselves in an appropriate manner while at the studio, performances, competitions, recitals and events where Adrenaline Studio is represented.  Respect for the instructors and fellow students are expected of students, parents/guardians, and siblings in and outside the studio.  Attitudes that are disrespectful, uncooperative, or aggressive do not have a place at Adrenaline Studio. Violation of this policy can result in dismissal from class or the program.  No refunds will be given if a student is dismissed from the studio due to conduct.  Any inappropriate or slanderous remarks about Adrenaline Studio or instructors on any social media site will be cause for immediate dismissal from the studio. 


Adrenaline Studio will send emails or post information on our website:, Facebook and Twitter Accounts.  It is your responsibility to read all emails and check the website from Adrenaline Studio, so you can stay informed.  If you have a concern or grievance, you must make an appointment with a Studio Director or you are welcome to send an appropriate email to discuss the issue.

All account change requests must be made in writing. (Cancellation Requests, Medical Freezes, Class Changes) (


You may withdraw from any classes by providing a 30-day written notice.  (Notice begins with the receipt of the written notification.)  No refunds will be given on tuition payments, registration fees, or costume purchases. You will still be responsible for the tuition payment of the 30-day notification period. All account change requests must be made in writing. (Cancellation Requests, Medical Freezes, Class Changes) (

What happens if I need to cancel a camp?

In the event, the camp is operating, but your child is prevented from attending you will be issued a credit on your account to be used by another Adrenaline Dance Studio camp, class, or party. 

Emergency Procedures

During an emergency or evacuation parents may pick up their children AFTER they have been accounted for.  Instructors will exit the building with their class roster and will be responsible for keeping track of all students.  Parents are free to accompany their children to the evacuation area; however, will not be permitted to take their child until the instructor has accounted for all students. 

In a medical emergency, 911 may be called if the staff feels the situation requires immediate emergency medical attention.  Parents will be notified/contacted immediately if 911 is called.  It is the parent’s responsibility to provide current and accurate emergency contact information.


See front desk to receive the Private Lessons rates.